
Five Elements Purification Meditation

Bhuta Shuddhi: The Five Elements Purification Meditation

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Do you know you can do Bhuta Shuddhi or purification for the 114 chakras with the help of the the five great elements? These elements includes earth, water, fire, air and space. They are known as Pancha Mahabhuthas. They are the root of causes imbalances in the body that lead to disease. Bhuta Shuddhi is one of the fundamental yoga processes that is used in many yoga and Ayurveda traditions… Read More »Bhuta Shuddhi: The Five Elements Purification Meditation

Daily Meditation Guidelines

Daily Meditation Guidelines: Three Easy Steps

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A regular routine for meditation is invaluable. There are various types of meditation techniques, but the Ray 114 chakras meditation techniques are most balanced and deep. Here, you will get a general guideline for daily mediation. When to Meditate Anytime that works for you, particularly if it is the same time every day. However, Amrita Vela ( 2.5 hours before sunrise) or the Brahma muhurt (1.5 hours before sunrise), are… Read More »Daily Meditation Guidelines: Three Easy Steps

Third Eye Pineal Gland Eye of Ra

Opening the Ajna Chakra With the Sanskrit Letters

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The Sanskrit letters for the Ajna chakra is Ham and Ksham, and Om. They are the Bija mantras for opening the third eye or the Ajna chakra. The best way to awaken the third eye is to do Ray 114 chakras meditation, which has powerful and safe activation protocol. Ajna chakra and the Pituitary Gland Ajna chakra governs the pituitary glands. Hence, this chakra is also known as third eye… Read More »Opening the Ajna Chakra With the Sanskrit Letters

The Seven Chakras

What are the seven chakras? How are they useful to you?

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The 7 chakras are the seven energy centers in your body. Health chakras are essential for a happy and healthy life. If chakras are activated wrongly, that can be dangerous for you. You need a systematic way to awaken the chakras. This article is a simple guide to understanding the chakras in a better way that can help you identify the chakras in your body. It also reviews some of… Read More »What are the seven chakras? How are they useful to you?