What are the 114 chakras in our body? An Advanced Guide

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What are the 114 Chakras Sri Amit Ray Traditions

The 114 chakras are the most advanced energy system of the human body-mind-soul, and aura system. The chakras not only provide the structure for your five energy bodies but also your connection to the higher astral dimensions. The adult human body is made up of 114 chakras, which is different from the traditional 7 elementary chakras. The locations of these 114 chakras include the brain, spine, glands, ribs, throat, arms, legs, and higher fields. The human body, mind, and emotions are the manifestations of the 114 chakras.

Chakras are made up of energy fields, and energy channels called nadis that are strengthened with blood plasma, serum, and chakra cells. Physically, you can easily locate some of your healing chakras in the nerve plexus, brain regions, body organs, and bone marrow points, where blood cells are made. However, there are many higher-level spiritual and healing chakras.

What are the 114 chakras in our body? In 2005, when Sri Amit Ray was deep in meditation for long time at Himalaya, he discovered the names, locations, maps, and functions of the 114 chakras. There are 114 chakras that make up the human energy body. These chakras can also be found in various parts of the body, such as in the brain, liver, pancreas, spine, hands, feet, neck, glands, heart, and intestines. Guruji, Sri Amit Ray, classified the 114 chakras into 15 groups as follows:

The 114 Chakras Map in Your Body – An Advanced Guide

The 15 groups of the 114 Chakras

Your physical, mental, and emotional energy levels are regulated on a day-to-day basis by these 114 chakras. In addition to collaborating with body organs, muscles, and joints, chakras are responsible for maintaining the structure of your body and mind and ensuring that you maintain a full range of motion and flow of energy. The central nervous system is also involved in the regulation of systemic metabolism and energy balance, and chakras play a key role in this regulation.

The chakra system supports and shapes your body, mind, and spirit. It also protects your emotional stability, virtues, mental equanimity, and delicate physical organs like the brain, heart, and lungs.

The chakras contain most of our body’s emotional and mental energy supply. The energy body is constantly building up and breaking down chakra structures, and petals as required. Healthy chakras need a balanced diet, meditation, yoga exercises, breathing exercises, and the right levels of various minerals and hormones.

The 114 Chakras in our body

The most advanced energy system in your body, mind, soul, and aura system is the Ray 114 chakras. The chakras not only give your five energy bodies their shape, but they also link you to the higher astral dimensions. The human energy body is made up of 114 chakras, some of them are located in the areas of:

  • Brain – Prefrontal cortex, pineal gland, pituitary gland
  • Spine – cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, sacrum and tailbone (coccyx)
  • Chest and heart chakras – ribs and breastbone areas
  • Arms – shoulder blade,  collar bone, radius and ulna
  • Hands – wrist, metacarpals and phalanges
  • Intestine – Pancreas, liver
  • Pelvic floor and hip areas
  • Legs – thigh bone, knees, shin bone (tibia) and fibula
  • Feet – tarsals, metatarsals and phalanges.

However, the chakras exist in the astral plane or other non-physical dimensions, and they are interconnected with the human physical, mental, and emotional bodies in various ways. Just knowing the locations and physical maps of the 114 chakras is not sufficient. You need to know the chakra specific activation mantras, meditation, and purification processes.

How to Activate the 114 Chakras

Awakening each of the 114 chakras is a systematic, step-by-step process. To activate the 114 chakras, you need to follow a special sequential chakra activation process. Without that, your system may be complicated. To activate the 114 chakras, you must undergo a systamatic mantra purification process, which includes breathing exercises, yoga poses, and meditation. This necessitates understanding each of the 114 chakra names, locations, and functions. Identifying blocked, overactive, or underactive chakras and working to resolve them is also necessary.

The 114 chakras

Chakra Types

There are four different types of chakras in the human body:

  • Long chakra – has a long, thin shape. Examples include the chakras of the vagus nerve, arms and legs. With the help of breathing, the long chakras are purified. The long chakras work as levers to permit movement of mental energies. These chakras are used to eliminate stress, anxiety and worries from the mind. In yoga scratching exercises, we use the long chakras.
  • Short chakra – has a circle, squat, cubed shape. Most of the chakras are circular in nature. Examples include the chakras that make up the spine, brain, glands, wrists and the ankles. With the help of mantras, the short chakras are purified. These are primarily healing chakras.
  • Flat chakra – has a flattened, broad surface. They are mostly dead or underdeveloped.  Examples include throat chakra, intestine, and skull chakras. With the help of five element purification, the flat chakras are activated.
  • Irregular chakra – has a shape that does not conform to the above three types. Examples include the intestine, and few spine (vertebrae) chakras. Also, most of the defective chakras have irregular shapes.

Chakra Colors

Each of the 114 chakras is associated with a color. Sri Amit Ray assigned a specific color and a specific mantra for each chakra. Different colors produce different health benefits. For details, you need to learn more about 114 chakra symbols, colors, and the mantras and do some study of how these symbols and colors influence your emotions and behavior.

The influences of the colors of the chakras are as follows:

  1. Red chakra: stimulating, enhances energy and increases appetite
  2. Orange chakra: improves mood, playfulness and possibly treat thyroid functions, and bone marrow problems.
  3. Yellow chakra: increases concentration and possibly treats arthritis
  4. Green chakra: a calming color and may promote healthy metabolism
  5. Blue chakra: suppresses the appetite and possibly treats migraine issues
  6. Indigo chakra : purportedly promotes mental health
  7. Violet chakra: helps with meditation and potentially solve endocrine issues.

Chakra Structure

The chakra structure comprises individual components with specific functions essential to carry out life’s processes and energy balancing. These components include the chakra wall, chakra membrane, nucleus, and chakra daliya. Read on to explore more insights into chakra structure and function.

  • Chakra nucleus -Carries the blueprint of life and the essential formulas of manifestation and seeds of kundalini energy.
  • Chakra membrane -The chakra is supported and guarded by the membrane. It is responsible for controlling the flow of subtle energy components into and out of the chakras. It establishes a separation between the chakra and the surrounding  environment.
  • Chakra daliya – It is an essential substance present inside the chakra membrane. It provides the main mental and spiritual energies of the five subtle energy bodies.
  • Chakra wall – The chakra wall is the outermost layer of a chakra. It protects the chakra membrane and other internal components of the chakra from external energy vibrations. It provides shape and support to the chakras.

Chakra Petals

The chakras are generally described as intelligent “lotus flowers” with different numbers of petals. The Ray 114 chakras are self-organized and intelligent in nature. Based on the external and internal environmental conditions, they can open and close the petals. Each petal is associated with a different aspect of human consciousness or spiritual energy. The distribution of the petals of the traditional 7 basic chakras in the human body are as follows:

  • Crown chakra – 1000
  • Third-eye chakra – 2
  • Throat chakra – 16
  • Heart chakra – 12
  • Solar-plexus chakra – 10
  • Sacral chakra – 6
  • Root chakra – 4.

Each chakra has a specific number of petals, and your healing, meditation, detoxification, and chakra balancing techniques vary based on the number of petals.

List of all 114 chakras

The list of all 114 chakras is available in the Ray 114 Chakras advanced meditation course. You will get the chakra maps, locations, names, and the functions. Guruji, Sri Amit Ray, classified the chakras into many groups according to their functions, structures, and spiritual, healing, and meditation uniqueness.

The 7 Basic Chakras and the 14 Nadis

There are 114 chakras and 72,000 nadis in the human body. The nadis and chakras are thought to work together to facilitate the flow of prana energy, or life force, throughout the body, helping to maintain overall health and well-being. However, the 14 principle nadis and 7 basic chakras work together in a grid structure. The rest of the 72,000 nadis are deeply linked to the 114 chakras. The seven primary chakras are as follows:

  • Root chakra or Muladhara, is located at the base of your spine.
  • Sacral chakra or Svadhisthana, is located just below your belly button.
  • Solar-plexus chakra or Manipura, is located just in the navel.
  • Heart chakra or Anahata, is located in the heart.
  • Throat chakra or Vishuddhi, is located in the heart.
  • Third eye chakra or Ajna, is located between the eyebrows.
  • Crown chakra or Sahasrara, is located in the top of the head.

14 Nadis and the 72000 Nadis


The 114 chakras are the most advanced energy systems in the body, mind, soul, and aura. The chakras not only associated with the healing and balancing of your five energy bodies, but they also link your higher astral dimensions. Activating and awakening the 114 chakras is a systematic process. We recommend you go through the proper training process. We hope this article helped you learn about the 114 chakras in your body.


  1. Ray 114 Chakra System Advanced Meditation course
  2. 72000 Nadis and the 114 Chakras in Human Body
  3. The Science of the 114 Chakras by Sri Amit Ray

114 Chakras in human body |
Awakening the chakras|
List of all 114 chakras|
Chakra Types|
Chakra Colors|
Chakra Structure|
Chakra Petals|
The 7 Main Chakras|