Do you want to see your Aura right now? Perhaps you have heard of aura, but you’re not sure what they are or why they are so important. In this article, we’ll help you choose the best methods to see and understand your Auras.
What is an Aura?
An aura is a luminous energy field that surrounds the physical body. Aura is connected to the 114 energy centers in the body – the chakras. It can be flashing lights, a gleam of light, blurred vision, an odor, the feeling of a breeze, numbness, weakness, or difficulty in speaking.
There are seven layers to the aura connected with the 114 chakras. Aura is the mental image of your personality.
If you take a look at your mental image, you can see how the colors of the chakras and the colors of the aura are at different levels – reflecting each other. You can see the auras of all living and non-living things: humans, animals, plants and crystals.
Because the aura and the chakras are connected, the aura is a visual manifestation of what is going on inside a person. Aura reading shows you a snapshot in real time that is an honest as it gets.
Why Would You Want to See Auras?
Most people are aware of the significance of body language and how important it is. How do you sit in an interview? Arms folded and legs crossed? No – because we understand that it gives the message of being ‘closed’.
Auras never close. Your aura is always around you and always showing how you are feeling, showing your strengths and weaknesses and your level of spiritual awareness.
Now imagine you’re in that interview. If you could see the auras of the people interviewing you, it would make that experience a whole different one.
It would help you in every situation where you are having an interaction with someone – so that’s pretty much all the time.
If you would like to become a healer, or you are already a healer, seeing auras can help you with energy healing. Seeing a patchy, broken aura with grey areas can show that a person needs their aura cleansed and strengthened. Because the aura is directly connected to the chakras, it can also indicate a need for chakra healing or chakra balancing. You can see the healing take place in ‘real time’ as the aura (and thus the chakras) become stronger and brighter.
What do the different Aura colors mean?
General interpretations by aura practitioners suggest the following:
- Red: well-grounded, energetic, strong-willed
- Orange: adventurous, thoughtful, considerate
- Yellow: creative, relaxed, friendly
- Green: social, communicator, nurturing
- Blue: intuitive, spiritual, freethinker
- Indigo: curious, spiritually connected, gentle
- Violet: wise, intellectual, independent
Aura and the Halo
Paintings often show Saints and Spiritual Leaders with a halo around their head. All humans have a halo – the difference is in the size and colour. Initially you may just see a single coloured aura but as you gain expertise, you will start seeing different colours in a single person’s aura.
A golden or bright yellow halo shows that the person is very spiritually developed.
When you start to learn how to see auras, you will probably see the ‘halo’ first because that’s the easiest part to see.
Is It Difficult to See and Read Auras?
Some people are naturally able to see auras but they are the lucky ones. For most people, it has to be learned. Like any new learned skill, it takes time and commitment but it is relatively easy. And like any other skill, the more you practice, the better you will get. Most people start by learning how to see their own aura. At first, you may only see the lower layers but if you stick with it, you will be able to see the higher levels too.
Read More about the seven chakras of the aura.
What do Auras Look Like?
Aura photos that were taken using kirlian photography.
When you first start trying to see an aura, it may look as if the edges of what you are looking at become blurred. Or it may look like the heat shimmer that you see on a hot day – colorless but shimmering movement. As you continue to practice, you will start to see different colors.
Even if you’ve never seen an aura, the chances are that you have already experienced them without even realising it.
Experiencing your Aura
Have you ever felt any of the following?
anxiety and a slight panic when walking into a room full of people.
- that someone was watching you. You turn around and see that somebody was staring at you.
- calm and peaceful in the presence of another person – for no particular reason.
- anxious, angry and/or irritated in the presence of another person – for no particular reason.
- drained around certain people.
- drained, overwhelmed or panicky when in large crowds, shopping centers or at huge events such as a concert / football match etc.
that you know how somebody is really feeling although their body language / verbal language indicates otherwise.
If you have answered yes to any of the above, then you have already felt your own aura. This ability to feel is called clairsentience or clear feeling and it may be developed into a form of mediumship.
Feeling other Auras
It’s possible to feel the energy field of animals, plants and crystals. If you have a dog or a cat then it is highly likely that you have already felt their energy fields. If you can feel when they are relaxed, anxious or not their usual selves then you have sensed or felt their aura.
Many people are naturally able to feel the aura. If you can’t, there is an exercise below that will help you. If you learn to sharpen your visual perceptiveness, you will be able to see auras as well.
Exercises #1 and #2: How to Feel Aura Energy
Most people find it quicker and easier to feel auras than to see them. Once you have felt an aura, it will confirm to you that it is actually there. Having that confidence and belief will make it easier for you to progress into seeing them.
It’s important to remember that there is are no rights or wrongs with these exercises. Whatever you experience is your own, personal reality. It’s your own perception of your own subtle aura field and the aura of others.
Your hands are the easiest part of your body to feel the subtle energies of the aura.
What you Need for this Exercise
- A quiet place
- A time when you won’t be interrupted
- A comfortable chair
Exercise #1 – Feeling your Own Aura Energy
1. Sit comfortably. Have your back fully supported by the chair. Have your feet flat on the floor so that you are grounded. Close your eyes (they will stay closed for the entire exercise). Take a slow deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Repeat this for as long as it takes for you to feel fully relaxed.
2. Rub the palms of your hands together quite fast. Do this for around half a minute.
3. Now, put your hands out in front of you. Have your elbows slightly bent and the palms of your hands facing each other. Have your palms about a foot apart.
4. Very slowly, without allowing them to touch, bring the palms of your hands closer to each other.
5. Slowly, move your hands apart again. As you do this, try to focus on the space between your palms and what you are feeling.
6. Repeat the process, slowly bringing your hands closer to each other and then slowly bringing them apart.
Continue with your eyes closed. If you lose focus, bring your attention back to your breathing until you feel less distracted.
7. Repeat the process of slowly bringing your hands closer to each other and then slowly bringing them apart.
8. Try changing the distance between your palms and see if the feelings change.
- Note any feelings, images or thoughts that may come into your mind.
- What are you feeling or noticing in the area between your palms?
With practice, you will be able to feel the human energy field with eyes open.
Exercise #2 – Feeling Aura Energy with a Friend
What you Need for this Exercise
- A quiet place
- A time when you won’t be interrupted
- Two comfortable chairs
- A person
Sit opposite each other with your palms facing your partner’s palms. All other steps are the same.
Exercise #3 – Low Light Viewing
What you Need for this Exercise
- A quiet room with a white wall (or hang up a sheet or towel).
- A time when you won’t be interrupted
- A comfortable chair
You can make it easier to see the aura if you do this exercise around twilight when the natural light is starting to become low and you would normally switch on the lights in your home.
1. Sit comfortably. Have your back fully supported by the chair. Have your feet flat on the floor so that you are grounded. Close your eyes (they will stay closed for the entire exercise). Take a slow deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Repeat this for as long as it takes for you to feel fully relaxed.
2. Hold out one of your arms in front of you. Have the palm of that hand facing with wall and keep your fingers together. Look at your hand and squint very slightly to soften your gaze. Hold this for around half a minute and your may start to see a slight fuzzy area around the edges of your hand. You are starting to see your energy field – your own aura.
NOTE: This phase is different for everyone and it may take you less than half a minute or (more commonly) a lot longer. Just allow yourself to drift slightly and keep your soft gaze on your hand. If your arm starts to get tired, just lower it into your lap and focus on your breathing for a while. When you feel rested, hold our your arm and start again.
3. Spread your fingers apart very slowly while you hold that soft gaze.
With time, practice and patience, you should start to see a soft outline around the edges of your hand and around the edges of your fingers.
5. Just enjoy what you are observing. This is not a race and if you don’t see anything on the first try (or even the first few tries) do not beat yourself up.
As you practice more, you will be able to see auras in all light conditions and you won’t need the white background any more.
Exercise #4 – How to See Other People’s Auras
What you Need for this Exercise
- A person
- A quiet room
- A time when you won’t be interrupted
- A white wall (or hang up a sheet or towel).
1. Have your friend / partner stand with their back to the white wall. It’s best if they’re not touching it.
2. Step back from the person. You need to be able to see all of them and white wall (sheet or towel) around them.
3. Have your legs slightly apart with your feet flat on the floor for grounding.
Close your eyes. Take a slow deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Repeat this for as long as it takes for you to feel fully relaxed.
4. Open your eyes. Squint slightly to make your gaze soft and look at the other person so that you can see their whole body. Don’t try to see anything. Just relax and keep gazing.
5. You may start to see the outline of the person go a little fuzzy. This usually occurs first around the head and the shoulders because this is the area of the body where it’s easier to see an aura.
Notice what you see. You may only see a fuzzy edge or see a colourless shimmer.
With time, practice and patience you will start to see colours and you won’t need the white wall (sheet or towel) any more.
Seeing auras takes time and dedicated practice. But, anyone can learn to detect the human energy field.
The Bottom Line: Interpreting the Aura
To understand the auras, you need to understand the 114 chakras in your body. The easy way to read auras is to look at the colors you’re seeing and to know what that color means. However, you can also make a psychic or chakra connection with the person.
“Every human being is connected to the universal life energy and we communicate to that universal healing energy through our aura, 114 chakras and the 72000 energy channels.” — Sri Amit Ray
When you know the chakras, learning how to see auras is the easy bit. Once you can see them – you will be able to interpret what you’re seeing so that you can remove the blockages in the chakrs..